sobota, 2 listopada 2013


Good morning Lovelies,

"Four years of my life. They say, that there is no time as hightschool. I remember my first day at school, I felt like a prom queen, like a top model, rock star, governor of USA and pape in one peron. I knew that I am going to run this school. And then I met him. I remember first time when I saw him. He was walking with his friend, talking, laughting, looking completely chilled out, like he would not care about a thing. He looked at me, smiled and that how it started. Sounds cliche? Oh it really is. Easy story, they fall in love, but never admit it. She gets drunk, send a message to wrong person (yes, to him. Nicely guessed) and since that eveyrything change. Four years of my life. Those days were the most energy and time-consuming process I have ever had to deal with. I loved him to death. I would give him my heart, my home, my last bite of sandwitch If I had to. He destroyed me and saved me milions of times. But what is most important, he made me this person which I am today and that is something I will always be gratefull for. Over last few months I have done things that I am proud for. I did not go to Africa to help other people and I did not co-found charity, but I faced my fears and kicked their ass. You might be wondering how eveything ended. Well we do not speak that is for sure. Last time I saw him first time since graduation, which was nearly two years ago. I do not know what I felt but I know what I did not feel- love. And that was the most releasing feeling in my life.

Always Yours, H.

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